Teaching at Cornell
Teaching in the age of social media and artificial intelligence
Take a look at my teaching philosophy for more!
Classes I have taught
The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology - Teaching Assistant
- CHEM 3010 | Advanced Physical Organic Chemistry - Lead Teaching Assistant
- CHEM 2510 | Introduction to Experimental Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 1560 | General Chemistry I
Cornell Outdoor Education - Instructor
- Redwoods Tree Climbing | In collaboration with UC Berkeley Department of Forest Ecology. Check our our video for more!
- Caving | Teach students cave geology, map reading skills, rope systems, cave safety, environmental concerns, and hone teamwork and communication skills
- Backpacking in the Finger Lakes |Teach students basic outdoor living skills, including hiking, navigation, equipment selection and use, camping, backcountry cooking, and safety
- Crosscountry Skiing | Teach students the basics of crosscountry skiing
Cornell Center for Teaching Innovation (CTI) Lead Fellow
My role:
- Facilitate one GET SET institute each semester
- Develop and coordinate one institute or conference with a team of CTI fellows
- Coordinate one teaching event in my department/field
- Organize bi-weekly learning community meetings with other CTI fellows
Workshops I have hosted:
- Designing Assessment of Student Learning | Spring 2023
- Writing a Teaching Statement | Fall 2022
- Supporting Student Learning | Fall 2021