Curriculum Vitae

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Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, United States of America

Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry | Candidate
Master of Science in Chemistry | 2020
Advisor: Professor Yadong Wang
Thesis: Scaled up synthesis of polyester-based 3D-printing resin with improved biocompatibility and tunable mechanical properties.

University of California, Los Angeles, United States of America

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry | 2018
Advisors: Professor Heather Maynard
Project: Synthesis of Trehalose Glycopolymer for Stabilization of Protein Therapeutics

Transcripts and coursework available upon request.


Take a look at my research page for more!

The Wang Lab

Graduate Research Assistant | 2018 - present
Synthesis of clickable photopolymer via ring-opening copolymerization of cyclic anhydride and epoxide
Synthesis of aliphatic polyesters in supercritical carbon dioxide
Development of biocompatible thiol-ene SLA resin for 3D printing

The Maynard Lab

Undergraduate Researcher | 2016 - 2018
Synthesis of Trehalose Glycopolymer for Stabilization of Protein Therapeutics

The Jacobsen Lab

Undergraduate Researcher | 2015 - 2016
Epigenetics of Arabidopsis thaliana


  • CHEM 3010 | Advanced Physical Organic Chemistry - Lead Teaching Assistant
  • CHEM 2510 | Introduction to Experimental Organic Chemistry - Teaching Assistant
  • CHEM 1560 | General Chemistry I - Teaching Assistant
  • Cornell Outdoor Education | Tree Climbing, Caving, Backpacking in the Finger Lakes, Crosscountry Skiing - Lead Instructor

Honors and Awards

  • Bauer Scholarship Award | 2022
    Travel award to return to NYU Abu Dhabi to give a research talk.
  • Cornell Outdoor Education Spirit Award | 2020
    Awarded by Cornell Outdoor Education to recognized one exemplary instructor every year.
  • ACS Graduate Teaching Award | 2020
    Teaching award given by the Cornell Section of the American Chemical Society in recognition of performance as a teaching assistant. (Formerly known as the Bayer-Covestro Teaching Award)
  • Raymond and Dorothy Wilson Fellowship



290 Kimball Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
United States of America